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Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy uses movement, traction, pressure, light, sound, vibration, massage, and mental focus/body awareness to treat musculoskeletal and neuromuscular issues like neck and back pain, headaches, joint pain or dysfunction, TMJ dysfunction, postural issues, scoliosis, post-operative orthopedic rehabilitation, vertigo/dizziness, balance problems, women's health, and biomechanical problems which cause problems "from the foot up".

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands-on method of therapy which is used to evaluate and enhance the healing capabilities of the body. Using a gentle technique, the practitioner feels or "listens" to the body and isolates sources of tension and diminished flow in the bodies tissues. Once a tension is discovered, the holding of a therapeutic space with the hands and therapist's awareness can allow the body to release and re-establish function.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release (MFR) is a form of bodywork which targets the fascia. This connective tissue surrounds, penetrates, and supports the muscles, organs, and skeleton of the body.

Tension in one area of the body can strongly influence and cause pain in regions adjacent and sometimes distant to the original issue.

Fascial restrictions can be caused by injury, inflammation, infection, poor posture, and repetitive motions.

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing utilizes the bodies awareness of sensations inside and outside of the body to de-code confusing patterns of muscular tension and other signs of hyper-arousal to perceived threat. Stress energy can be stored in the body tissue when it is ongoing and/or connected to a traumatic event, ie something too overwhelming to deal with in the moment.  Active imagery and completion of defense responses are utilized to bring body consciousness into the present time for a sense of safety and agency.


Yoga gives us tools to reinforce the flow and rhythm in the body which become restricted by stress and tension. It can also temper you to keep that flow steady in times of challenge. The many benefits of yoga include increased strength, stamina, flexibility, mental clarity, focus, stress management, emotional stability, and reduced chronic pain.

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular physical therapy involves performing a set of exercises to improve tolerance to head motion and/or increase sensitivity and symmetry of the vestibular system (inner ears). Some exercises work to re-position small crystals in the inner ear which are provoking the vestibular nerve, some work to improve the gain of the vestibulo-occular reflex, and some work on posture, balance, and reduction of compensatory strategies.

Functional foot orthotics (Custom Fit)

Custom fit foot orthoses are used to assist the body in its natural alignment and function. Whether treating foot issues like low arches and plantar fascitis or a systemic mechanical dysfuction higher up the kinetic chain like knee, hip, and back pain, managing the forces, function, and movement of the feet allows the other areas of the body to do what they were designed to do rather than compensate for poor foot control.


Initial Consultation: 1-1.5 hours


Medical History

Signs & Symptoms

Postural, gait, joint mobility, movement pattern, functional strength, range of motion, and special testing assessment


Initial treatment

Plan for course of treatment

Educational materials

Medical Reimbursement

Physical Therapy is covered by most major medical plans including Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Consult your plan for benefit coverage. 

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy uses movement, traction, pressure, light, sound, vibration, massage, and mental focus/body awareness to treat musculoskeletal and neuromuscular issues like neck and back pain, headaches, joint pain or dysfunction, TMJ dysfunction, postural issues, scoliosis, post-operative orthopedic rehabilitation, vertigo/dizziness, balance problems, women's health, and biomechanical problems which cause problems "from the foot up".

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands-on method of therapy which is used to evaluate and enhance the healing capabilities of the body. Using a gentle technique, the practitioner feels or "listens" to the body and isolates sources of tension and diminished flow in the bodies tissues. Once a tension is discovered, the holding of a therapeutic space with the hands and therapist's awareness can allow the body to release and re-establish function.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release (MFR) is a form of bodywork which targets the fascia. This connective tissue surrounds, penetrates, and supports the muscles, organs, and skeleton of the body.

Tension in one area of the body can strongly influence and cause pain in regions adjacent and sometimes distant to the original issue. 

Fascial restrictions can be caused by injury, inflammation, infection, poor posture, and repetitive motions.

What our customers are saying

"Rachel has helped me manage my rheumatoid arthritis with fewer flare-ups and a greater quality of life. When an issue arises, she can steer me in the right direction to avoid larger problems. Attending yoga classes which are safe and respectful has also kept my inflammation at bay."

Kim P.- Roscoe

Vestibular Physical Therapy

Vestibular physical therapy involves performing a set of exercises to improve tolerance to head motion and/or increase sensitivity and symmetry of the vestibular system (inner ears). Some exercises work to re-position small crystals in the inner ear which are provoking the vestibular nerve, some work to improve the gain of the vestibulo-occular reflex, and some work on posture, balance, and reduction of compensatory strategies.

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing utilizes the bodies awareness of sensations inside and outside of the body to de-code confusing patterns of muscular tension and other signs of hyper-arousal to perceived threat. Stress energy can be stored in the body tissue when it is ongoing and/or connected to a traumatic event, ie something too overwhelming to deal with in the moment. Active imagery and completion of defense responses are utilized to bring body consciousness into the present time for a sense of safety and agency.


Yoga gives us tools to reinforce the flow and rhythm in the body which become restricted by stress and tension. It can also temper you to keep that flow steady in times of challenge. The many benefits of yoga include increased strength, stamina, flexibility, mental clarity, focus, stress management, emotional stability, and reduced chronic pain.

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